Dental Implants | Denture Clinic in Hamilton | Dental Implants | Shaun Dunn DD
Most people these days are aware of Dental Implants, however they believe that it is too expensive and too painful to be of benefit to them. Today’s implant procedures are becoming more affordable and less invasive, as almost on a monthly basis new systems and techniques hit the market. As Denture Specialists, we at Shaun Dunn Denture Clinic keep well informed of the changing aspects of dental implants and the technology involved to incorporate this into our patients lives. The benefits of dental implants are
- Stabilizing or completely fixing teeth
- Improved chewing efficiency
- Improved comfort
- Maintains remaining bone structure
- Allows you to yawn and speak in public with no embarrassments
There are a variety of dental implant solutions available, however they fall into one of two categories.
- Implant Retained (this is where the denture is held in by the dental implants but is supported by the tissue of the remaining gum structure)
- Implant Supported (when a denture is completely supported by implants it is held in place more securely which enhances the biting efficiency)
Implant Overdentures
Over dentures fall into both implant retained and implant supported. The normal technique for implant retained is two implants placed where the canine teeth used to be.
Implant supported dentures which are removable for cleaning usually consist of four or more implants and can incorporate bars which connect the implants together and support the denture.
Mini Dental Implants
Mini Dental Implants fall into the category of Implant Retained.
If the patient is a candidate for this procedure, it normally takes just 2 hours from the implant placement to the fitting of the dentures and loading of the implants. This system offers cost effective relief to many denture related problems such as mobility and chewing efficiency.
Permanent fixed teeth was pioneered in Europe to help denture patients overcome the discomfort of wearing dentures. The procedure normally takes one day for the initial treatment denture to be fitted, which can be used that day. Then after a 3 to 6 month healing period the final fixed bridge can be fitted.